
Snovault is a JSON-LD Database Framework that serves as the backend for the 4DN Data portal and CGAP.

Build status

Installation Instructions

Currently these are for Mac OSX using homebrew. If using linux, install dependencies with a different package manager.

Step 0: Install Xcode (from App Store) and homebrew:

Step 1: Verify that homebrew is working properly:

$ sudo brew doctor

Step 2: Install or update dependencies:

$ brew install libevent libmagic libxml2 libxslt openssl postgresql graphviz python3
$ brew install freetype libjpeg libtiff littlecms webp  # Required by Pillow
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install elasticsearch@5.6

If you need to update dependencies:

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade

Step 3: Run buildout:

$ python3 --buildout-version 2.9.5 --setuptools-version 36.6.0
$ bin/buildout

If you have issues with postgres or the python interface to it (psycogpg2) you probably need to install postgresql
via homebrew (as above)
If you have issues with Pillow you may need to install new xcode command line tools:
- First update Xcode from AppStore (reboot)
$ xcode-select --install
If you are running macOS Mojave, you may need to run the below command as well:
$ sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
If you wish to completely rebuild the application, or have updated dependencies:

$ make clean

Then goto Step 3.

Running tests

To run specific tests locally:

$ bin/test -k test_name

To run with a debugger:

$ bin/test --pdb

Specific tests to run locally for schema changes:

$ bin/test -k test_load_workbook

Run the Pyramid tests with:

$ bin/test