Authentication and Authorization

Background reading: Pyramid’s security system.

I extend Pyramid’s built in ACL based security system with my pyramid_localroles plugin so we can map permissions to roles (e.g. ‘role.lab_submitter’) rather than directly to users.

For more on roles and local roles see:


An authentication policy identifies who you are, returning a user id. We use pyramid_multiauth to extract authentication from any of Persona, session cookies, or HTTP basic auth (access keys).


From the authenticated user id, the groupfinder in maps the user id to a number of “principals”, user or group identifiers. We lookup the user object and add groups based on the properties:

  • groups [<string>..] - global groups like ‘admin’. Generates: group.admin.
  • submits_for: [lab..] - allow editing based on object.lab property. Generates: submits_for.<lab-uuid>.
  • viewing_groups: [<string..>] - allow viewing of in progress data based on object.award.viewing_group (ENCODE, GGR, REMC.) Generates: viewing_group.ENCODE.

Views are protected by permissions (view, edit, etc.)

When you PUT to /experiment/ENCSR123ABC/ then Pyramid will traverse to the experiment object (see: Location aware resources) and lookup a view for to PUT which is protected with the edit permission.

At this point my pyramid_localroles plugin steps in and extends the authenticated principals passed to the ACLAuthorizationPolicy (the global groups that apply across the whole site) with location aware local roles such as role.lab_submitter and role.viewing_group_member by reference to the __ac_local_roles__ method ( of the context object which returns a mapping based on the context object’s ‘lab’ and award property, e.g:

  'submits_for.<context-lab-uuid>': ['role.lab_submitter'],
  'viewing_group.<context-award-viewing_group>'': ['role.viewing_group_member'],

The ACL authorization policy will then lookup the Access Control List on the experiment object (the ‘context’) by looking at its __acl__ property/method, and then the __acl__ property/methods of its parents (the /experiments collection and the root object.) We define an __acl__ method on the EncodedRoot object (, Collection and Item objects ( The __acl__ method for an Item returns a different ACL list depending on the object’s ‘status’. This way we allow lab submitters to edit their own ‘in progress’ objects but not ‘released’ objects.


  • add
  • add_unvalidated (admin)
  • edit
  • edit_unvalidated (admin)
  • expand (system)
  • forms - who can see forms
  • impersonate (admin)
  • import_items (admin)
  • index (system)
  • list
  • search
  • submit_for_any (admin)
  • view
  • view_details - protection of user contact information
  • view_raw (admin)
  • visible_for_edit - hiding deleted child objects from edit

This gnu grep expression will extract a list of permissions (brew tap homebrew/dupes; brew install grep):

$ ggrep --no-filename -roP "(?<=permission[=(]['\"])[^'\"]+" src/ | sort | uniq